Individual Residential Services & Supports (IRSS)

Individual Residential services and supports is a Colorado Medicaid program that allows individuals to utilize a variety of living arrangements to meet their unique needs. Typically individuals participating in IRSS with Craft Health choose to live in their own homes, or the home of a loved one. Regardless of the living arrangement, the person receiving services chooses a care provider who is responsible for providing a safe and fulfilling living situation. Often times, this is in the form of an adult child who chooses to remain in their parent’s home when the parent is the primary care provider, but it can also be a child, friend, or any other trusted provider.

There are no restrictions on which diagnoses or conditions qualify for this program, and your Medicaid caseworker will help you determine if IRSS is the best program for you or your loved one. Colorado Medicaid allows this program under the DD waiver only currently. Craft Health is happy to assist you in determining which waiver you have to help you understand your options. As with all of Craft Health’s Medicaid programs, there is never a charge to the person receiving or providing care, and caregivers are paid at the highest rates in the service area.

Daily pay rates: $67.70-$246.05 (depending on level)

The best way to get started is to fill out the form below, and one of our experienced staff members will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this, or other caregiver opportunities with our agency.

Please do not include any HIPAA sensitive patient information